Exclusive extract from Santa Grint

Here's a sneak preview from the audio book of Santa Grint, this year's Christmas Short Story which is out on December 25th. CLICK HERE to listen.

CLICK HERE to order the Santa Grint book from Audible


  • Amanda Kenwrick

    Absolutely impossible not to laugh out loud! Between Jodi’s inspired writing and Zara’s brilliant narration, can’t think of a better Christmas present from me to me🥰

  • Karen Hill

    Can’t wait to find Santa Grint in my stockings on Christmas morning! Does that sound wrong😉. The idea of the jolly fellows at TPHQ covered in tinsel and glitter definitely paints a wonderful picture…bring on the Xmas story🎄😁

  • Cheryl B

    Gavin left the message that I was going to write.

  • Windy

    My day just got a whole lot better!
    Kudos to the ‘how tall are you’ comment, it’s a timeless classic. Ahahaha

  • Chloe

    This had me in fits of giggles… I cannot WAIT to read/listen to the full version on Christmas Day! I have told my family they will be loosing me for an hour or so to the Future 😂

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